
任何形式的不当性行为,无论是在校内还是校外,都是不被容忍的 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

Sexual misconduct is a violation defined as any action in which one person forces 另一人违背自己的意愿或未经同意进行性活动.


  • Information related to programs in place to educate the campus community regarding 性行为不端的预防和问题.
  • Training programs for staff and faculty to provide students with direction for assistance.
  • 执行政策和程序,裁定涉及不当性行为的案件.
  • 最重要的是,为我们的学生提供支持系统和资源.
  • 不正当的性行为: Includes non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, partner violence, stalking and any other behavior of a sexual 自然 that is non-consensual and used for the purpose of coercing, intimidating or threatening 另一个人. 性行为不端可能发生在异性之间或 同性的人.
    性骚扰通常可以定义为不受欢迎的性挑逗、性要求 为性行为和/或任何其他视觉,语言或身体的性行为 自然.
  • 性骚扰: Any unwelcome sexual advances (verbal or physical), requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual 自然 are considered sexual harassment when: submitting to or participating in the conduct is either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or educational achievement; or the conduct interferes with or is intended to interfere with academic or work performance; or if the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational or work 环境.
  1. 联系第九章协调员/副协调员 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜如下. 报告可于任何时间(包括 during non-business hours) via phone call, email, or physical mail to the office address 为第九条协调员列出的.
  2. 使用 网上报告表格. 员工可以额外访问大学的 保密报告机制.
  3. 向推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜警察局报告:

(570) 408-4999

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 offers support services to all students that include, but are not 仅限于以下内容:





  • 转介到咨询、医疗和/或其他保健服务机构.
  • Referral to community-based service providers such as the Victim Resource Center and 家庭暴力服务中心.
  • 签证及移民协助.
  • 学生经济援助咨询.
  • 向社区或社区小组提供教育.
  • 改变校园住房分配.
  • 安全计划.
  • 提供校园安全护航.
  • 提供交通住宿.
  • 实施接触限制(无接触命令).
  • Academic support, extensions of deadlines, or other course/program-related adjustments.
  • 非法侵入或不受欢迎的人(PNG)命令.
  • Connection to local resources for help on how to obtain a Protection from Abuse or 性暴力保护令.
  • 课程表修改、退课或请假.
  • 加强校园某些区域的安保和监控.


学生、教职员工也可以选择校外支持. 以下是资源 这是可以使用的.

Under Title IX, campus mental health counselors and health service employees are not 未经学生同意,必须报告不当性行为. 因此, students who wish to seek confidential on-campus support can contact the University’s 健康和保健服务办公室位于帕桑大厅一楼. 电话 570-408-4730或发邮件给Anita.burns@mogrenlandscape.com.


71 N. 富兰克林圣.

All faculty and staff members who do not work within the Health and Wellness Services 办公室被推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜指定为"强制记者". 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜手杖 or faculty person who is made aware of a case of sexual misconduct is obligated to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator, Student Affairs, or Public Safety.

Once an incident is reported, the Complainant is offered immediate medical, counseling, 保护服务. 投诉人随后将与第九条协调员会面, Deputy Title IX Coordinator or designee for a complete overview of support services and accommodations, such as protection from retaliation, no contact arrangements, 报告选项和大学程序.

The Complainant may select to file a Formal Complaint which would offer the Complainant the opportunity to select from a supportive and remedial response; an informal resolution; 或者正式的调查和听证程序. 你可以了解更多关于大学的信息 中的分辨率选项 大学的政策和程序.

The Complainant may also request that a Formal Complaint not be pursued, or that the 大学不会启动进一步的程序. 在这种情况下,第九条协调员 will evaluate the request in light of the duty to ensure the safety of the campus 并遵守州或联邦法律.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供以下教育项目和服务 旨在营造一个安全的生活、学习和工作环境.

  1. Training programs on how to recognize and appropriately report allegations of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct to those who may meet students in crisis situations or serve in an advisory or adjudicating capacity, such as resident assistants, Title IX officers, public safety officers, first-year student mentors, department supervisors, student affairs emergency on-call staff, and members of the Title IX Team and Judicial 委员会.
  2. An online, health-education and self-assessment program administered to all incoming first-year students, which addresses their choices related to drugs and alcohol along 酒精/毒品使用与性暴力之间的联系.
  3. A mandatory First-Year Student Orientation workshop on sexual harassment and violence.
  4. 向所有一年级学生分发性骚扰和暴力小册子.
  5. 身穿制服的公安人员,每星期七日,每日二十四小时值班.
  6. A Bystander Intervention program designed to provide students with the skills and confidence to intervene safely and effectively when witness to situations where individuals 可能有遭受性暴力的危险.
  7. An emergency on-duty Student Affairs professional, 24 hours a day seven days a week.
  8. A “Safe Escort” from a Public Safety officer anywhere on campus from dusk until dawn.
  9. An emergency community notification system comprised of several communication methods 包括短信,印刷传单,还有推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜传送门.
  10. An anonymous campus advisory extension to report information regarding safety and 安全问题.
  11. 自卫意识 & 熟悉交流(S.A.F.E.) -自愿教育 awareness program for women designed to provide basic self-defense skills along with 减少性暴力风险的信息.


All faculty and staff members who do not work within the Health and Wellness Services 办公室被推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜指定为“强制记者”.“一根推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜手杖 or faculty person who is made aware of a case of sexual misconduct, either directly 或间接地,应立即报告的信息之一 第九条推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

All student and employee reports of sexual misconduct at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 are resolved 通过平等机会、骚扰和不歧视政策. 这些和 相关政策包括:

更多的政策和程序可在我们的 消费者信息页.

Four federal laws require employees of colleges and universities to report certain 犯罪和事件的类型,尤其是不当性行为.


这些联邦法律有不同的目的,但一般都是为了保护 against criminal and discriminatory behavior, in particular, for students on college 或者大学校园.

联邦法律及资源 外部网站