Passionate about helping others and ready to make a change in your career?

Meet the growing demand for nurses by earning your BSN in an accelerated format. 的 帕桑护理学院’s accelerated bachelor’s degree in nursing is designed for students who already hold a bachelor’s degree in another concentration or discipline 但希望过渡到护理事业.

Our CCNE-accredited, accelerated nursing program is designed to be flexible and comprehensive 学生获得bsn 仅仅15个月 四个学期完成11门课程.


项目类型 格式 学分
加速程序 在线 48


Nurses are in high demand and more hospitals are requiring entry-level nurses to hold 学士学位. An accelerated BSN from Wilkes gives you an advantage in the job market and opens up a variety of career opportunities if you’re looking to enter the 医疗保健领域.

你会 begin by building essential theoretical skills for delivering exceptional patient 通过一系列的在线课程学习. 接下来,你将过渡到临床 experiences that will put you in the field after you complete a two-week, hands-on 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜校区实习. 诊所可以在宾夕法尼亚州东北部完成 or in the Lehigh Valley region at one of our partner healthcare institutions.

After completing our CCNE-accredited program, you’ll be well-prepared for the NCLEX-RN exam, which is required to become a licensed professional nurse.


  • 你会 study the fundamentals of physical assessment, healthcare technology and informatics, pharmacology and clinical decision making in courses that can be conveniently completed 在线.
  • Attend a two-week 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜校区实习 in Wilkes-Barre, PA in preparation 过渡到临床经验. 这种身临其境的居住提供实践 learning and preparation for entering clinical settings, in addition to networking 与同学和老师交流的机会.
  • Build a strong foundation in the profession of nursing through in-person clinical experiences that emphasize exceptional patient care for a variety of medical, surgical and mental health needs at individual, family and community levels.
  • Become well prepared for the NCLEX-RN licensure examination as well as entry into 一般医疗机构的专业护理实践. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜护理专业毕业生 regularly achieve NCLEX pass rates well beyond national averages.

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. 此外,申请人必须提交:

  • 在线申请
  • 职业目标陈述
  • 两封推荐信
  • 官方成绩单显示最低GPA为3.在学士学位课程中

As part of the admission process, student transcripts will be reviewed for the following prerequisites, which are required for the accelerated BSN program:

  • Two semesters of human anatomy and physiology with a related laboratory experience in each course (4 credits each; totaling 8 credits) with 2级.5/C+或更高
  • One semester of microbiology with a related laboratory experience (4 credits) with 2级.5/C+或更高
  • 一学期的基础统计,成绩2.0/C或更高
  • One semester of chemistry with a related laboratory experience with 2级.5/C+ 或更高版本


Get in touch today for more information or to discuss your education goals!

Jared Menghini

的 baccalaureate degree in nursing, master's degree in nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and post graduate APRN certificate programs at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 are accredited 由 大学护理教育委员会 外部网站.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的护理课程是由 宾夕法尼亚州护理委员会 外部网站.



With a longstanding history and strong reputation in nursing education, Wilkes has established relationships with a variety of clinical hosts and healthcare 组织 in the region, including Geisinger, 利哈伊谷健康网络, Commonwealth Health 和圣. 卢克健康网络.


Learn and gain personalized guidance from professional nursing faculty and clinical supervisors who get to know you both in the classroom and in clinical settings. 你会 每一步都有我们团队的支持.


Our center includes surgical, critical care and pediatric/obstetrics suites, giving you experience in different health care settings when you visit campus for residency. High-fidelity “manikins” simulate bleeding, breathing and other real-life situations 用于各种高风险场景的训练.

I don't ever feel like I'm being judged or have to pretend that I understand something 即使我不知道. 这是一个非常温馨,令人惊叹的环境,无论是来自 教职员工和学生.


As a professional, I've learned that if you're unsure of something or you need help, 只管开口说. 我想推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜也是这么想的. 当我有问题时, 我会联系我的教授. 他们总是及时回复.


I'm amazed at the amount of knowledge I've gained in only 6 months of this program and the lifelong relationships I've formed with my classmates.


university in northeastern Pennsylvania with a freestanding school of nursing






职业生涯 & 结果

Healthcare providers throughout Pennsylvania need nurses to fill a variety of job roles and Wilkes has supported Pennsylvania nurses with nursing educational opportunities 40多年了. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局估计 增加9% in roles for registered nurses over the next 10 years with registered nurses earning 年薪中位数为 $86,070 每年.

After completing your BSN, you can pursue a career as a registered nurse or advance your education by completing graduate programs in pursuit of becoming a nurse practitioner, 护士教育者或管理员. 应届毕业生在急症护理医院工作, long-term care facilities, psychiatric/mental health centers or community-based healthcare 组织.


  • 盖辛格卫生系统
  • 联邦卫生系统
  • 利哈伊谷健康网络
  • St. 卢克大学健康网络
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学附属医院
  • 杰斐逊健康
  • 福音社区医院
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的好时
  • UPMC
  • 费城儿童医院


  • 重症监护护士
  • 急诊室护士
  • 外科护士
  • 重症监护护士
  • 儿科护士
  • 病人教育家
  • 护士经理
  • 社区卫生护士
  • 飞行护士
  • 旅行护士